June 13, 2003

Remember, if you can skin any aluminum body panel with a little bit of body filler, the paint will stick forever.

But you have to rough up the aluminum with 36 grit paper to assure proper adhesion. Remember in the Florida humidity, you've got about 20 minutes after sanding before the aluminum oxidizes. If you wait too long, filler will not stick in the long run.

Red urethane primer has been applied and it's in the sun for a quick cure so it can be installed back on the car.

The right pod will be removed so I can work on it this weekend.

Here Jack and Andy are installing the pod just to make sure it still fits perfectly before final paint.

The final fit looks good! Now for the other side.

Andy and Jack are taking off the right side. The arrow points to the front cap from the original tank. We grafted every good part from both tanks to make the new tanks.

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