May 20, 2005
A week
later...Jack and I are still in the _ _ _ _ing spray booth.
I am too
much of an anal detail freak, so I give orders to leave one
pinhole, but to fill twenty others...to leave one drip and
to sand the others away.
I swear
to Gosh, I block sanded both these tails a year ago...O.K.
maybe it was two years ago (Tom and Mike remind me of this).
The bottom line is, they will be nice, they're still pretty
light, and they are really pretty. Just think what they'll
look like when they get painted.
photos are not a set-up. You can tell by the different positions
that the tails are laying on the tables. I am writing this
byline at 4:32pm EST. I will be painting these parts as soon
as Jack gets done taping them off.
Got done painting
the tails at 5:20pm.
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