June 10, 2005
The inside
has been sanded with 320 and masked off for final satin black.
The inside
of the tail has been painted in the time between these two
pictures. Devo, the new kid, is fine lining the black so I
can paint the silver Friday.
Now, the
inside is completely masked and the bottom is being sanded
with 500 grit sandpaper. Remember, you use nothing less than
500 for Glasurit base coat/clear coat.
The tail has been flipped and sanded with 500, but Tropical
Storm Arlene has brought the humidity to un-paintable levels.
If it was non-base coat paint, I could pull a paint job out
of my magic hat, but in this case, the clear coat could present
problems with blushing.
I'll try
again tomorrow morning.
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