RSR Conversion
November 19, 2002
Alex did
the final sand so Kevin could paint it last night.
that this is the Martini RSR Turbo (1973) and the first turbo
charged 911, it had a special magnesium transmission. Note:
the special cutout for the shifting coupler.
This shot
shows the original Martini stripes underneath the primer on
the rocker panel. The car was stripped completely, but we
saved these original stripes because someday they will prove
who knows what!
The masking
tape will be removed, the center floor will be masked off,
and we'll final paint the wheel wells and engine bay on wednesday.
The arrows
point to a panel welded in by the factory for extra strength
(probably because of the extra horsepower and speed).
They were
installed on both sides.
Here is
a picture of the rear, which is also ready for final sanding
and paint.
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