October 1, 2003

Putting the pieces together.

Jack is finishing the back side of the firewall.

The insides of the front wheel wells are finished.

Doing the final structural repair on the door jams.

Next, the battery divider and latch panel will be installed.

Jack has repaired the saddles for the dashboard.
The center battery divider needs to be repaired because there are corners missing.

I used epoxy and s-weave to repair the lower corner. The epoxy sticks to the plastic.

The arrows point out the holes that hold the oil line. The finished picture is a paint match to the original plastic, which is Porsche dolphin gray. I have seen this divider light gray, dark gray, and a medium green in prior 904s that we have repaired and restored. Undoubtedly, there was no quality control on the colors of the plastic parts that were glued in the 904 chassis.

Jack is re strengthening the rubber seal rails. They were cracked up from years of racing.

The bulkhead beneath the knees has also been repaired.
This fiberglass panel provides extra torsional strength.

Jack has applied the patches in the deep reaches under the dash.

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